NLCT has launched its consultation on carer breaks on behalf of Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire (H&SC NL). The consultation is being run with the aim of putting carers at the heart of improvements to short breaks, respite and other forms of carer breaks.

Running for the next month, the consultation will take the form of surveys, focus groups and a large scale consultation at our AGM on the 5th June 2023.

The consultation will ask questions on carers’ experiences of short breaks, experiences of trying to access short breaks and how these experiences can be improved. It asks how helpful short breaks have been to date and whether or not they suit the needs of carers. In addition we ask about what kind of breaks would ideally suit carers, and also ask questions on breaks as part of emergency care planning.

To take part in the consultation you can answer our survey questions and you are also welcome to take part in our focus group at our Carer Forum on Wednesday 17th May from 12.30pm-2.30pm or from 6.00pm-8.00pm. Please email to book a place.

We will be reporting on our findings in the coming months with a full report and social media campaign that we expect to go live late July.