Help and Advice
What We Can Do To Support You In This Role
As a Carer, you may need support to help you in your caring role. North Lanarkshire Carers Together recognises that as a Carer you may require a variety of supports to sustain you in your caring role and we offer a wide range of services to assist regardless of whether you are new to caring or have been providing unpaid care and support for a number of years.
Carers have told us that they often feel they ‘go from pillar to post’ and eventually ‘give up trying’ or that they ‘didn’t know that there was help and support out there’. If that sounds all too familiar to you then please get in touch with our Carer Information and Engagement team. We will actively listen to your individual caring situation with empathy and positive regard. All of our workforce have personal experience of caring for a family member and have first-hand experience of both the rewards and challenges that unpaid caring brings.
We will provide you with information you require that may then help you to:
- Know your rights as a Carer
- Understand a specific condition or illness in more detail
- Access assessments and services for the person you care for
- Access services/supports for you as a Carer, i.e. an Adult Carer Support Plan, Carer training, Carer support groups, services of a Carer Support Worker
- Link in with your local community which can provide you with opportunities to have a life outside caring
- Apply for disability and Carer benefits and help with associated forms
We can also link and refer you to local services that could make life a little easier, for example:
- Advocacy
- Befriending and Home Visiting
- Dementia Support
- Digital Inclusion
- Palliative Care
- Support for Carers in hospital
- Care at home services
- Community Alarm services
- Addiction Services
- Mental health user and Carer groups
- Services for young carers
If you would like to talk to one of our Carer Information and Engagement Workers about your caring role, please get in touch with us and we can arrange to chat to you over the phone or schedule a meeting at your convenience.
Our Mission Statement
The management board is responsible for keeping North Lanarkshire Carers Together focussed on its aims and objectives and for safeguarding its values and managing all aspects of its business.
Our Partners & Accreditations