NLCT Services


North Lanarkshire Carers Together are commissioned by Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire as the information and advice service for Carers in North Lanarkshire and we have a team of experienced Carer Information and Engagement workers who can provide carers with information in all aspects of the caring role including:


  • Carer Rights
  • Income Maximisation
  • Education and Training
  • Advocacy
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Bereavement Support
  • Emergency Care Planning
  • Local Carer Support and Short Breaks
  • Health & Social Care Services

Carer Representation & Campaigning

In line with our history and the reason why Carers Together began back in 2001, we continue to have a key role in ensuring carers have their voices heard and represented at local and national levels. We know that carers and those they care for must be at the heart of decisions that affect them as The Carers (Scotland) Act states that:


  • Local Authorities and Health Board must involve carers in the planning of the services they provide.
  • Local Authorities must involve carers in assessing their needs for support and providing that support and must take carers’ views into account in assessing the needs of the person being cared for.
We are a strong rights based organisation who strive to ensure carers are always respected, valued and viewed as Equal Partners in Care. By bringing carers and decision makers together to develop meaningful working relationships, we can promote the rights of carers as outlined in the Carers (Scotland) Act and work towards getting a better deal for carers.
Our organisation continuously seeks the views of carers and will represent those views at local and national meetings in order to promote carers rights and continue to get a better deal for carers. We are keen for carers to be actively involved and there are various opportunities carers can participate in this work where regular support, guidance and training will be offered to enable carers to be involved in any way they are able to.

We have also developed a local Carer Forum which offers the following:

  • A platform which actively seeks the views of carers across North Lanarkshire on a range of topic areas that affect them and those they care for
  • A networking opportunity to share information and experiences
  • Opportunity to actively link carers and workers together to discuss and consult on policy, practice and service developments that impact on carers and those they care for
  • Space to identify key issues for carers and develop a collective response to these issues

North Lanarkshire Carers Together adopts the Coalition of Carers ‘Equal and Expert 3 Best Practice Standards for Carer Engagement’. This underpins our approach to involving carers in this work. More information about this can be found here…

If you are interested in being involved in any of these areas of work please get in touch with our team who can arrange to further discuss this with you at a time that suits you…

Carer Aware Training

The Carer Information and Engagement Team work to raise the profile of unpaid carers by regularly delivering our Carer Aware training sessions. This can be delivered to a wide range of groups, organisations and services including, social work area teams, health staff, students, teaching staff and volunteer groups.

Furthermore, with the implementation of new legislation to support unpaid carers (passed by Scottish Government in 2016) it is crucial that we work to inform our partners on the rights and duties outlined within the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. Our training is underpinned by the Equal Partners in Care Model which highlights; ‘Carers are everyone’s business’. You can read more about this model and how we engage with carers by clicking here:


The main topics discussed during our Carer Aware sessions include:

  • Defining who is an unpaid carer and recognising the impact of the caring role
  • Challenges and barriers faced by carers
  • Rights and duties outlined in the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016
  • Partnership approaches to working with carers

If you would like to request a Carer Aware session for your team, group or volunteers, please click here.

Download a copy of new NLCT Service Leaflet

Our Partners & Accreditations

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