Resource Catalogue

Coronavirus Bill 2019-2021

What it means for carers – detailed briefing on the health and care provisions on the Bill As at 22 March 2020.

This briefing sets out the main measures in the Coronavirus Bill that affect carers and Carers UK’s view. This will be updated, with any further clarification during debate and from Government and when the guidance on the Coronavirus Bill is published.

Download the full Policy Briefing here:

Unpaid Carers And The Coronavirus Bill – Overview (23 March 2020)

Millions of unpaid carers and the people they care for across the UK will be affected by COVID-19 and the Coronavirus Bill 2019-21. This includes at least 6.5 million people caring for disabled, older and ill relatives, and many more who may become ill as a result of coronavirus, or other conditions that cannot be treated.

Download the full Bill Overview here:

Airdrie Let's Go...

In this booklet you will discover some local groups, activities, and health information open to everyone in the Airdrie community. This booklet will continue to change, so if you think a group or an activity that is not represented here please let us know.

Download the Airdrie Let’s Go booklet here:

Motherwell Let's Go...

In this booklet you will discover some local groups, activities, and health information open to everyone in the Motherwell community. This booklet will continue to change, so if you think a group or an activity that is not represented here please let us know…

Download the Motherwell Let’s Go booklet here:

ASN Activities / Groups in North Lanarkshire

Local Guide/ Directory to activities and services for parents/carers and their loved ones. This information has been collated by North Lanarkshire Carers Together. Permission has been sought from all partners/agencies promoted within this directory.

Download the ASN Activities / Groups in North Lanarkshire booklet here:

Anticipatory Care Planning

What is Anticipatory Care Planning?

Anticipatory Care Planning is about individual people thinking ahead and understanding their health. It’s about knowing how to use services better and it helps people make choices about their future care. Planning ahead can help the individual be more in control and able to manage any changes in their health and wellbeing.

Many people with long term conditions or chronic health problems can benefit from having an Anticipatory Care Plan. This booklet outlines some things to think about for your future care when planning what is important to you, and how others including unpaid carers, can help these things to happen.

Download your Anticipatory Care Plan toolkit here:

Emergency Planning for Carers

What Would Happen if You Couldn’t be There?

We all think we will always be there but what if you were ill, had to go to the doctor or hospital; had a family crisis to deal with, or were just running late?  What would you do?

Having an Emergency Plan in place can stop an emergency becoming a crisis and can give you and the person you care for peace of mind.  As a carer, you are the expert in the care you provide to someone. If something happens to you, that knowledge needs to be available to others. By planning in advance, with the hope that the plan never has to be used, you can share your knowledge and allow someone else to be able to step into your caring role. This reduces anxiety for you and the person you care for should an emergency occur. Planning also allows you to have conversations with family, friends and neighbours about the role they could play in an emergency. Enable Scotland have devised an emergency planning toolkit. If you would like to find out more about Emergency Planning or would like to talk to someone about the process please contact Carolanne or phone the office on 01698 404055. Alternatively you can visit Enable Scotland’s website on

Download your emergency planning toolkit here:

A Guide to Active Health Programmes in North Lanarkshire

NL Leisure’s Active Health Programme, in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire, provides a range of supported programmes to help individuals and carers realise the benefits of becoming more physically active and also assisting those who are recovering from minor or serious illness.

The programme is delivered in two main ways:

  • A General Programme where individuals can access the mainstream health and fitness programmes running within NL Leisure venues.
  • A Specialised Health Class Programme which is available to individuals who require additional specialised support in taking part in physical activity.

To find out more about the referral process you can contact Melanie Menzies – health and wellbeing manager on 01236 618310 or contact us on 01698 404055

Advocacy for Unpaid Carers Guidance

We are pleased to introduce this Guidance which seeks to promote best practice in Scotland in relation to advocacy for adult carers. We recognise the important role advocacy plays in helping safeguard people who may be at risk of being treated unfairly as a result of individual, social and environmental circumstances that make them vulnerable. We also recognise that some carers, especially the most vulnerable, benefit from independent advocacy support to help them in many different ways, including supporting them in dealings with health and social care and other professionals…

Making Life Easier

Making Life Easier is an online self-help tool, providing professional advice and guidance for those who would like help to live independently at home. This service is provided by North Lanarkshire Council. Making Life Easier helps you to find help and advice for your particular area of need. Our house map helps you to narrow down the difficulties you are having, and our in-depth assessment tool matches you to specific solutions which are suitable for both you and your home.

Making Life Easier can help anyone who is having difficulty with daily living tasks, and would like professional advice and information and/or simple equipment and minor adaptation solutions to help them manage these tasks more effectively. Anyone who would like to take control of their personal situation, who has equipment needs but are not eligible for social care services, or would prefer to choose and pay for their own equipment will benefit from Making Life Easier.

Locator Tool

All of the 6 localities in North Lanarkshire have developed a wide range of support for carers and the people they care for. The establishment of local Consortiums brings together staff from NHS Lanarkshire, Social Work, Third Sector organisations and representatives from communities who work together to develop and build community based resources and activities that meets the needs of local people. You can find out how to access activities in your area by visiting the following link:

Equal Partners in Care (EPIC) Core Principles

Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) is a joint project between NHS Education for Scotland and the Scottish Social Services Council to implement the workforce learning actions of the national carers strategy Caring Together 2010-15. A national framework for working with carers and young carers based on six ‘core principles’ has been developed. These principles are supported by a framework of knowledge and skills that workers need to work in partnership and achieve better outcomes for all involved in the caring relationship. The EPiC principles and framework were developed in collaboration with a range of carers, carers’ organisations, workers, educators, and professional and regulatory bodies, and launched by the Scottish Government in 2013. The Epic website contains a range of information, practice guidance and learning resources on working in partnership with carers and young carers. Professionals, carers or anyone with an interest in being more carer aware can access an online training resource by following this link.

Carer Training

“In recognition of the key role they play in providing care, Carers should get similar opportunities for training as the paid workforce. Carers who receive training feel better supported in their caring role and more confident. Training should address the broad spectrum of the emotional impact and practical demands of caring. It should include moving and handling, managing medication, managing carers’ own health and wellbeing, and personal development.” (Caring Together – The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010 – 2015).

In North Lanarkshire the Lanarkshire Carers Centre provides a comprehensive training programme aiming to help Carers with their caring role, to address their health and wellbeing and give opportunities to learn something new. The ‘steps of caring’ training programme provides support to newly identified carers and can link Carers in to further training and carer support. North Lanarkshire Carers Together and its partners within Community Learning and Development can provide specialised training for Carers wishing to become more involved in the strategic planning process. If you are interested in this please contact our enquiries.

Short Breaks Strategy 2013-18

The carer partnership, as represented in the North Lanarkshire Carers Strategy Implementation Group has developed a Short Breaks Strategy which aligns to the North Lanarkshire Strategy for Carers 2013-18. The strategy builds on a service proposal agreed by the partners which presents a range of ways in which short break services for carers can be improved. The focus is on capacity building both within the third and statutory sectors to improve the quality and accessibility to short breaks for carers building on existing structures and frameworks, carer support and information and signposting services. You can read the full strategy here:

As part of the Short Breaks Strategy a Short Break Carer Information Service has been developed to help carers and professionals access a range of flexibly short break opportunities that enable carers to have some valuable time out from their caring role. Contact the Short Break Development Officer on 01236 755550 or you can access the Short Break Carer Information here:

Carers Scotland and Smart Energy GB Smart Meter Rollout Across Scotland

Carers Scotland have partnered with Smart Energy GB to help with the smart meter rollout across Scotland – in particular to raise awareness of and promote the advantages of smart meters to carers. Every home in Scotland will be offered a smart meter by their energy supplier, free of charge, between now and 2020, replacing old gas and electricity meters.

Below is a link to their webpage with more information on what a smart meter is, how to get one and why carers should be interested in getting one. At a time when 77% of  you- our carers face higher utility bills and are more likely to slip into fuel poverty, smart meters could really help save you  money and allow you to see if you (or your loved ones) are eligible for grants, subsidies or support.

Click on the following link to find out more from the Carers Scotland website:

Click on the following link to read the full information document on Smart Meters:

Our Mission Statement

The management board is responsible for keeping North Lanarkshire Carers Together focussed on its aims and objectives and for safeguarding its values and managing all aspects of its business.

Our Partners & Accreditations

Partners Logos