Key Policies
University Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire (HSCNL) have developed their Strategic Commissioning Plan for 2023 to 2026. The plan will set out our achievements over the past 3 years, our ambitions for the next 3 years and the plan of work and how they hope to deliver the plan. The plan was developed with a range of partners and communities of North Lanarkshire were extensively consulted on their opinions of local priorities, ensuring that their views contributed to our overall ambitions. The Strategic Commissioning Plan recognises the valuable contribution that unpaid carers make to the provision of Health and Social Care services within North Lanarkshire and their commitment to support unpaid carers has led to additional funding being made available to support the implementation of the Carers (Scotland) Act as well as investing in information and advice services, direct carer support and young carer services.
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