NL Carer Forum

NL Carer Forum

The North Lanarkshire Carer Forum has recently been developed by Carers Together in response to our engagement with carers. Carers told us they wanted a platform which will provides an opportunity to come together to discuss and act upon key issues experienced by carers.

Therefore, the North Lanarkshire Carer forum has been developed with the aim to:

  • Provide a networking opportunity to share issues, experiences and information
  • Actively link carers and workers together to discuss and consult on policy and service developments that impact of carers and the people they care
  • Develop a collective response to key issues so we can take these concerns to the most appropriate forum.

We want to raise awareness of this work and encourage as many carers as possible to get involved and together we can strive for bigger change and better improvements in how carers are supported both locally and nationally. If you are a carer and are interested in becoming involved in this work and attending any of our forum meetings please either complete our contact form via the link below or contact our office for further information.

Register your interest for the Carers Forum:

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