Carers Rights

Know Your Rights!


Key messages outlined in the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016:

  • Carers are better supported on a more consistent basis so that they can continue to care, if they so wish
  • Carers should be better supported to have good health and well being allowing them to have a life outside caring
  • It is recommended to avoid making any assumptions about a carer’s willingness or ability to care
  • Young carers should be relieved of any inappropriate caring roles to allow them to have a quality of life

Key duties placed on Local Authorities under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016:

  • Establish and maintain advice and information services for carers
  • Set local eligibility criteria and provide support to carers who meet the criteria
  • Prepare an adult carer support plan and young carer statement, including emergency and future planning
  • Consider option of breaks from caring when undertaking support planning
  • Involve carers in the planning, development and evaluation of carer services
  • Involve carers in assessment process and hospital discharge
  • Prepare a carers strategy for their area

Carers rights outlined in the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016:

  • A right to be involved in care planning and assessment processes for the person you care for
  • A right to be involved in hospital discharge planning processes
  • A right to access information and advice
  • A right to access an adult carer support plan (carers over the age of 18)
  • A right to be involved in the planning and development of any carer services
  • A right to access a young carers statement (carers under the age of 18)
  • A right to access support if your needs meet the local eligibility criteria for carers

Our Mission Statement

The management board is responsible for keeping North Lanarkshire Carers Together focussed on its aims and objectives and for safeguarding its values and managing all aspects of its business.

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