There is lots of support available to you as a carer. Please see below pieces of information that may help you in your caring role…
Having an Emergency Plan in place can stop an emergency becoming a crisis and can give you and the person you care for peace of mind. As a carer, you are the expert in the care you provide to someone. If something happens to you, that knowledge needs to be available to others. By planning in advance, with the hope that the plan never has to be used, you can share your knowledge and allow someone else to be able to step into your caring role. Planning also allows you to have conversations with family, friends and neighbours about the role they could play in an emergency. If you would like to find out more about Emergency Planning or would like to talk to someone about the process please contact or phone us on 01698 404055. Alternatively you can visit Enable Scotland’s website on
The Carers Self-Advocacy Toolkit is a group of integrated resources produced by Carers Scotland to help carers get their voices heard.
A Power of Attorney lets you plan what you want another person to do for you in the future, should you become incapable of making decisions about your own affairs. Power of Attorney is a written document which includes a certificate signed either by a solicitor who is registered to practise law in Scotland or by a practising member of the Faculty of Advocates or by a registered UK medical doctor who holds a licence to practice.
A Guardianship order is if the person you look after is unable to make their own decisions, and there is not already a relevant power of attorney in place, then if it is ongoing decisions that you want to manage, you could apply for a guardianship order. This means that if your application is successful you will have the authority to make certain decisions on their behalf.
Which option is appropriate depends on whether the person you are looking after can currently make their own decisions (which is called having mental capacity) or whether they are unable to make their own decisions (which is called lacking mental capacity). If you wish to discuss these options further, please contact our office and arrange to meet with one of our Carer Information and Engagement Workers.
The Social Care (Self-directed support) (Scotland) Act became law from April 2014. Self-Directed Support is the way that social care and support is organised in Scotland. It gives people more choice about the services they receive and how they are provided, including: who supports the person you care for, when you want the support and what type of support you want. Under this approach, people are allocated an individual budget which is used to fund their support arrangements. This budget can be used in a variety of ways: as a direct payment. as an individual service fund with a provider organisation, by being supported directly by North Lanarkshire Council or by a combination of these options. There is an assessment process which is carried out by Social Work and you as the carer are fundamental in this assessment process and have a right to be involved in discussions regarding the care of your loved one.
If you require further information on this please get in touch with us or visit the useful links below.
A short break is a way of supporting you to have a life outside or alongside your caring role, supporting your health and wellbeing. Information about short breaks available for you as a carer and how you can access them is available in Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire’s Short Breaks Statement for adult and young carers.
This document was designed and created alongside a group of carers to provide a number of different ways you can access a break from your caring role that suits your needs as a carer and the needs of the person you care for. If you are a carer and think a short break would help you, please contact the Short Break Carer Information Service based at Lanarkshire Carers:
Other Local Carer Organisations…
Lanarkshire Carers
If you are looking for adult carer support in North Lanarkshire or further information on accessing a short break, contact Lanarkshire Carers:
Young Carers Project
If you are looking for support as a young carer (aged 8-18) in North Lanarkshire, please contact the Young Carers Project:

Other Local Supports for you and the Person you Care for…

If you are interested in finding out about activities in your local community, either for you as a carer or for the person you care for, you can contact the organisations outlined below:
Motherwell – North Lanarkshire Carers Together
Tel: 01698 404055
Bellshill – Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre
Busby Rd, Bellshill ML4 2BW
Tel: 01698 842215
Airdrie – Health and Wellness Hub
Unit 4, 58-60 Albert St, Motherwell ML1 1PR
Tel: 01698 262437
Cumbernauld – CACE
Dunnswood House, 4, Dunns Wood Rd, Wardpark South, Glasgow G67 3EN
Tel: 01236 451393
Coatbridge – Glenboig Community Trust
Main St, Glenboig, Coatbridge ML5 2QT
Tel: 01236 875054
Wishaw/Shotts – NCT Centre
15 Manse Road, Newmains, ML2 9AX
Tel: 01698 386403
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