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Most recent updated guidance: July 2020 – Phase 3
Scotland’s Route Map Update >>
New measure: mandatory face masks in shops from 10th July
From Friday 10th July wearing face will now also be mandatory in shops as well as public transport. However, you or the person you care for can be exempt for wearing a mask for one of the following reasons:
- if you have a disability or health conditions that means you cannot wear a mask
- a mask will cause you distress
- you cannot communicate with others when wearing a mask
- you need to eat, drink or take medicine
You do no require evidence in the form of a letter from your doctor, if you have a condition which makes you exempt you can simply explain this if you are asked (only by an appropriate person such as; police). Click the links below and you will be able to print an exemption card and take it with you in order to show anyone at any point that you are exempt…
Read the full article by Disability Equality Scotland here: