North Lanarkshire Carers Together has created an information pack for carers, providing an outline of services and supports that can be accessed at the organisation.

The pack will be hosted on the NLCT website, distributed digitally via social media and directly to carers via email, ensuring carers are fully informed on how they can be supported with their caring role. Printed copies will also be available and distributed to people who don’t have digital access.

Pulling together key details on services provided, the pack covers the essentials on supports offered including:

  • Information and advice for carers and professionals who work with carers
  • Independent Advocacy
  • Carer Aware Workshops
  • Essential carer supports including:
    • Income maximisation
    • Bereavement support
    • Emergency and future planning
    • Provision of carer rights information

The pack also covers how to get involved in the NLCT Carer Forum so that carers can influence policy and service design, an outline of the new ‘Carers Together’ podcast, and background on NLCT’s role as Carer Network Leads, supporting professional networks of organisations that work directly with carers across North Lanarkshire.

Download the new NLCT information pack here

In addition to making the full pack available, individual sections will also soon be accessible online and in print so that tailored information can be provided where required.

Key resource for professionals

Beyond being a key resource for carers, the pack is also a crucial point of information for health and social care professionals working in the statutory and community and voluntary sectors across North Lanarkshire. It is also a useful resource for professionals to distribute directly to the carers they come into contact with as a first point of easily accessible information.

What is a carer?

A particularly useful element of the information pack is the ‘What is a Carer?’ section. This outlines the basics of what a carer is and what a caring role entails, helping people to identify themselves as carers and go on to access crucial supports.

An accessible service

Information on the accessibility of NLCT services for people from diverse communities including carers whose first language is not English, and BSL users is included in the pack with details on how to contact us to make use of the available supports.

If you would like more information on the pack, on any of the content, or to ask about accessing particular services, please contact NLCT at or by phone on 01698 404 055.

Download the new NLCT information pack here