Policy & Reports
Self-directed Support : 2017 Progress Report
Our evidence shows many examples of positive progress in implementing SDS. But there is no evidence that authorities have yet made the transformation required to fully implement the SDS strategy. Most people rate their social care services highly and there are many examples of people being supported in new and effective ways through SDS, but not everyone is getting the choice and control envisaged in the SDS strategy. People using social care services and their carers need better information and help to understand SDS and make their choices…
Click on the following link to read the full document…
Self-directed Support : Scotland : 2015-16
Self-directed Support was introduced in Scotland on 1st April 2014 following the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013. Its introduction means that everyone eligible for social care and support has the right to choice, control and flexibility to meet their personal outcomes and local authorities are required to ensure clients are offered a range of choices on how they receive their social care services and support. The data reported here relates to the second year of Self-directed Support implementation (2015-16).
Click on the following link to read the full document…
Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027 : A 10 Year Vision
Challenges with mental health have touched every life in Scotland: from a young person struggling in school, or a colleague absent from work, to an elderly relative living with dementia. We have all seen, and often personally felt and experienced, the impact of mental health problems. Many mental health problems will be preventable, and almost all are treatable, so people can either fully recover or manage their conditions successfully and live as healthy, happy and productive lives as possible…
Click on the following link to read the full document…
Our Shared Ambition for the Future of Social Care Support in Scotland
This Statement of Ambition sets out our ambition for the future of social care support in Scotland. It has been published to influence thinking by national and local government, as well as those with an interest in the future of social care support and public services more generally in Scotland. It is an ambition for the social care support Scotland should have and leads to an ambition to see it funded sustainably and fairly.
Click on the following link to read the full document…
Briefing on the Implementation of Charging for Social Work Services
At the meeting of the Integrated Joint Board of Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire in May, it was agreed that a fee should be charged for aspects of the social work service in North Lanarkshire, namely the Community Alarm Service and attendance at Integrated Day Services for older people that had previously not attracted a charge. The decision to apply these charges is in response to unprecedented pressure on public finances as experienced by social work and NHS Lanarkshire and is intended to maintain service quality.
MacMillan Cancer Support ‘Under Pressure’ Report
As the number of people living with cancer continues to grow, so does the impact on those who care for them. In this report by MacMillan Cancer Support they show that cancer carers across the UK are under more pressure than ever before, and this is taking a toll on their health, finances and working lives.
Click on the following link to read the full document…
Manifesto for Unpaid Carers in Scotland
In advance of next years scottish elections, the National Carer Organisations have produced their Manifesto for Unpaid Carers in Scotland. This outlines 7 commitments for carers which we are asking political parties to support in their party manifestos. These are:
- Adequate resources to implement the new Carers Act
- Increased efforts to improve short break provision
- Better, preventative support for carers
- Improved financial support for carers
- Sufficient, sustainable funding for social care
- Supporting carers in and into employment
- Introducing health checks for all carers
We will be producing campaign materials early in the new year and will be distributing these to carers and local carer support organisations. The Manifesto can be downloaded here…
A Strategy for Carers in North Lanarkshire 2013-2018
Following the publication of the Scottish strategy, the North Lanarkshire partners reviewed our approach to support carers. An updated strategy has been produced that covers many of the key action areas within the national strategy and have identified specific areas which need to be addressed. In particular we need to look again at how we assess carers’ support needs and at our approach to short breaks. More details about the actions we will take to address these areas are included in sections two and three of the strategy.
Caring Together, The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010-2015
Sets out the shared vision for unpaid carers (carers) in Scotland where carers are recognised and valued as equal partners in care; supported to manage their caring responsibilities; fully engaged in the planning and development of services; and not disadvantaged or discriminated against by virtue of caring. The Strategy sets out a number of key outcomes linked to this vision.
Reshaping Carer for Older People
A Programme for Change 2011-2021. The Reshaping Care for Older People programme provides a long term and strategic approach to delivering change so that we can achieve our vision for future care for older people in Scotland. This change needs to be built on a strong and enduring consensus across all sectors and interests. The framework sits comfortably alongside the ambitions of the NHS Quality Strategy and is a key driver to achieve the ‘effective’ ambition within this Strategy. It sits above, and supports the delivery of, other strategies for particular groups or issues including the Dementia Strategy, Carers Strategy, Self-Directed Support Strategy and Living and Dying Well. Together these build a cohesive and comprehensive approach to meeting the care and support needs of older people.
A 10 year Strategy for Self-directed Support in Scotland
The strategy sets out a clear message about individuals and families having real choice and control, and the key challenges that we need to work on over the next ten years to deliver that. The focus is on delivering better outcomes through focused assessment and review, improved information and advice, and a clear and transparent approach to support planning. The strategy is part of a wider reform agenda, and reflects the common goals of current health and social care policy to deliver better outcomes for individuals and communities. These include recent developments in Reshaping Care for Older People, Caring Together, and the National Dementia Strategy. Implementation will also bring a focus to the development of self-directed support for children and young people alongside GIRFEC. This will also make a significant contribution to our Shared Vision for Independent Living.
Getting it Right for Every Child
Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is a consistent way for people to work with all children and young people. It’s the bedrock for all children’s services and can also be used by practitioners in adult services who work with parents or carers. The approach helps practitioners focus on what makes a positive difference for children and young people – and how they can act to deliver these improvements. GIRFEC is being threaded through all existing policy, practice, strategy and legislation affecting children, young people and their families.
Mental Health Strategy 2012-2015
Improving mental health and treating mental illness are two of our major challenges. We are not unique in facing these challenges and in Scotland we have had much success in promoting rights and recovery, addressing stigma and improving service outcomes. More people are receiving effective treatment and they receive it more quickly than ever before. Increasingly, people have a good understanding of their own mental health and are prepared to talk about things when things are not good. People come from around the world to learn from us. We are rightly proud of what we have collectively achieved. But though Scotland does well, there is more work to do. This Strategy sets out our objectives for the period to 2015.
Living and Dying Well
A national action plan for palliative and end of life care in Scotland. Provides the focus and momentum to ensure our strategic priority to improve palliative and end of life care services becomes a practical reality and is applicable to all geographical areas of Scotland. We will continue to work collaboratively with the palliative care community in Scotland and the voluntary sector in particular, and we will work with patients and carers to ensure that we can accelerate and consolidate the good progress already made. I am aware of the many examples of the excellent work which takes place across Scotland and I am personally committed to ensuring that the Scottish Government provides the leadership necessary to plan and deliver accessible, high quality services on an equitable basis. For the first time we will see the development of a single, comprehensive approach to the provision of palliative care that will be embedded across Scotland.
Living Well with Dementia – A National Strategy 2013-2016
The aim of the Strategy is to ensure that significant improvements are made to dementia services across three key areas: improved awareness, earlier diagnosis and intervention, and a higher quality of care. The Strategy identifies 17 key objectives which, when implemented, largely at a local level, should result in significant improvements in the quality of services provided to people with dementia and should promote a greater understanding of the causes and consequences of dementia.
Learning Disability Strategy
A new strategy to improve the health and wellbeing of the 120,000 Scots with learning disabilities has been published. Scotland’s second learning disability strategy, The Keys to Life, was developed with COSLA and places a strong focus on ensuring that all health professionals can better meet the needs of people with learning disabilities and enable them to be part of their community.
Our Mission Statement
The management board is responsible for keeping North Lanarkshire Carers Together focussed on its aims and objectives and for safeguarding its values and managing all aspects of its business.
Our Partners & Accreditations